Adult CCRN® Q & A 3rd Edition

Designed with You in Mind
Reinforce your CCRN Exam test preparation with 200 multiple-choice questions based on the actual exam and complete rationale for each answer. Practice taking an exam and apply test-taking strategies to quickly determine which areas require further study. The answers, rationale and testable nursing actions, organized by system, follow the current 2015 CCRN Exam Blueprint.


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is CCRN?
  3. Benefits of Certification
  4. Eligibility Requirements
  5. Preparation for the Exam
  6. Test-Taking Strategies
  7. Day of the Exam
  8. CCRN Test Plan
  9. 200 Practice Questions, Organized by Body System
  10. Answers with Detailed Rationales
  11. Bibliography


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