SCRN® Exam Review 1st Edition

Target Audience

Program Description
This course is designed to prepare the nurse to successfully complete the Stroke Certified Registered Nurse (SCRN®) examination. It is designed as a review course for nurses already providing care to stroke patients. It includes management of strokes from prehospital through rehabilitation. The course is designed according to the test plan.

Program Learning Outcomes
This program prepares the learner to:

  1. Discuss the prehospital management of stroke patients, including the EMS decision-making in regards to the transport of the stroke patient.
  2. Discuss the acute-care management of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes in the Emergency Department.
  3. Identify goals and management issues of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes in the ICU, progressive care and floor prior to discharge.
  4. Describe common areas of concern for the rehabilitation of stroke patients and discuss different techniques used in rehabilitation to improve the patient's quality of life.
  5. Differentiate between the different stroke center certifications and discuss the core measures used to determine quality of care.
  6. Identify common neurological medications used in managing stroke patients and be able to discuss indications, contraindications and adverse effects of each.