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CCRN® Exam Review (Live Webinar)

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Course Description

This two-day course provides the critical care nurse with a review of AACN’s 2020 core curriculum. The agenda combines central knowledge-based lectures for nurses working in the ICU with an essential review of nursing care and interventions according to the AACN exam blueprint for the critical care provider. This review is not an introduction to the environment of the ICU, but a comprehensive update for the professional already in practice at the bedside and preparing for the certification examination.

For attendees preparing to take the CCRN Exam:
This review course content follows AACN’s updated 2020 CCRN Exam blueprint. Professional Caring and Ethical Practice (20% of exam) issues are addressed when appropriate.

Program Learning Outcomes

This program prepares the learner to:

  • Self-report a gain in knowledge of the critically ill patient and confidence to pass the CCRN Exam at an 80% rate.

Day 1: Wednesday, March 12, 2025 from 08:00 am to 04:30 pm PST
Day 2: Thursday, March 13, 2025 from 08:00 am to 04:30 pm PST

Unable to attend the LIVE Webinar?
That's okay, all registrants will have access to the recorded version for 30 days after the LIVE session and still earn your ANCC Contact Hours.
Register today!

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Tuition Details

Tuition Details

Contact Hours

ANCC Accredited ProviderContact Hours

ANCC Approved

Day 1: Contact Hours: 7
Day 2: Contact Hours: 7

(Includes 8 Pharmacology Contact Hours)

MED-ED, Inc. is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

MED-ED, Inc. is an approved provider by the following State Boards of Nursing: Florida/FBN 50-1286 and California #CEP10453.

Course Materials


Course Materials



Cammy Christie

Cammy Christie


Cammy is an internationally known speaker with over 45 years of critical care experience. She has taught the CCRN® Exam Review as well as critical care updates with an emphasis on the critical thinking skills of the bedside practitioner. In addition to lecturing across the globe, Cammy is a reviewer for several revered nursing journals, has numerous publications in the area of critical care and continues to have an active practice as an acute care nurse practitioner at the University of Florida, Division of Critical Care Medicine, Cardiothoracic Surgery. As a critical care nurse practitioner, Cammy brings many clinical practice skills to her lectures as well as providing clinical pearls for bedside care.


Hosting Hospital

Hosting Hospital

UCLA Health

UCLA Health

In conjunction with...

MED-ED, Inc. A Leader in Nursing Continuing Education

Please refer to the table below to determine your registration category.

Registration Categories Description
General Registrant If your hospital is not listed below please select this category.
Host Registrant

UCLA Health Employees

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations received by email, in writing or by phone up to 14 days prior to the seminar will receive a full refund. A 10% processing fee will be charged for refunds requested less than 14 days prior to the seminar. If applicable, the cancellation fee may be waived for tuition transferred to another seminar or if applied to Self-Study products. In the rare event that MED-ED must cancel, MED-ED’s liability is limited to tuition.

Please continue your registration below.

Cammy Christie
SKU: 00002728
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 from 08:00 am to 04:30 pm PDT

Cammy Christie
SKU: 00002729
Thursday, March 13, 2025 from 08:00 am to 04:30 pm PDT


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