Credit Available - See Contact Hours tab below.
Total Contact Hours: 7 including 7 ANCC Approved
The Ambulatory Care Nursing Exam Review is designed to prepare those nurses working in ambulatory care to sit for the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s exam. Ambulatory Care Nursing encompasses all practice settings of Ambulatory Care including, but not limited to, outpatient surgery, office settings, clinics and primary care settings. The course content is based on the exam blueprint provided by ANCC.
This program prepares the learner to:
Contact Hours: 7
MED-ED, Inc. is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
MED-ED, Inc. is an approved provider by the following State Boards of Nursing: Florida/FBN 50-1286 and California #CEP10453.
Jessie has a passion for nursing education. She is an experienced nurse professional with 20 years in the field embracing the areas of in-patient nursing administration, nursing care management, cardiothoracic surgery, all intensive care units, and nurse educator. While completing a Ph.D. program, she is currently a school of nursing adjunct didactic and clinical instructor. Additionally, Jessie serves nurses as a nurse educator in ambulatory care and out-patient adult oncology infusion services. She enjoys the diversity of teaching various nursing academic topics and consistently teaches the ambulatory care nurse certification course at an academic healthcare system. Jessie is a proud board member of the local oncology nursing society chapter, where she promotes and provides focus group education on oncology certification nurse topics. Jessie’s energy responds well to the innovative dynamism of generational nurse adult learning needs.