Credit Available - See Contact Hours tab below.
Total Contact Hours: 7.5 including 7.5 ANCC Approved
This one-day course is designed to provide nurses with the tools, confidence and knowledge to successfully complete the Medical-Surgical Nursing Exam. This is a condensed version of the two-day review. The exam content outline and blueprints from the ANCC and MSNCB® were used to develop this program. Topics covered from the exam content outlines will include: review of body systems, cardiac, pulmonary, gastrointestinal and diabetes. Pathophysiology of disease processes, including signs and symptoms and treatment modalities, will be presented. The nursing process and nursing-practice roles in the management of patient care will be discussed through case scenarios and sample questions. Aspects of the Practice Domains will be addressed, and strategies for test-taking will also be covered.
This program prepares the learner to:
Please refer to the table below to determine your registration category.
Regisration Categories | Description |
General Registrant | If your hospital is not listed below please select this category. |
Host Registrant | Providence Health & Services Employees |
Contact Hours: 7.5 (Includes 1 Pharmacology Contact Hour)
MED-ED, Inc. is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
MED-ED, Inc. is an approved provider by the following State Boards of Nursing: Florida/FBN 50-1286 and California #CEP10453.
Cindy has been a nurse for nearly 40 years, practicing in outpatient, medical-surgical, critical-care and long-term care settings. She has held various roles in leadership, management and education. She is on the nursing faculty of Nightingale College, where she teaches a variety of nursing courses in the BCN program. In addition, Cindy works as a staff nurse at Hampton Regional Medical Center in South Carolina.
Cindy graduated from Clemson University with a Bachelor’s Degree in nursing and also holds a Master’s Degree in adult Medical-Surgical Nursing as a Clinical Nurse Specialist from Georgia Southern University.
Cindy is certified in medical-surgical nursing and is also a certified nurse educator. She has authored numerous journal and continuing education articles. Her presentation style is practical and enthusiastic, making use of active-learning activities.
Please refer to the table below to determine your registration category.
Regisration Categories | Description |
General Registrant | If your hospital is not listed below please select this category. |
Host Registrant | Providence Health & Services Employees |
MED-ED is so confident in the quality of our programs and presenters, that we guarantee you’ll pass your certification exam or you will receive a full tuition-refund.
We want you to pass! That’s why to qualify for a refund, the exam must be taken within 35 days of the seminar date or On-Demand eLearning, DVD-ROM or Audio CD course purchase date.
To be eligible for the refund, your request must be postmarked or received by our office within 30 days of receipt of your Exam Score Report.
*Our Pass Guarantee is not offered for Institutional eLearning orders.
Tuition Includes
Program Handout, Electronic PowerPoint Slides and CE Certificate.
The Day Of
Sign-in begins at 7:30 am. The day includes a one-hour lunch (on your own), as well as a morning and afternoon break of 15 minutes each. The order of lectures presented and break times may vary according to speaker preference.
Providence Lacey Conference Room
4800 College St SE
Lacey, WA 98506
Complimentary. Please park in employee parking in back gravel parking lot. Back entrance door will give immediate access to the Providence Lacey Conference Room.
Walk-In Fee
As long as space is available, you can register the day of the seminar with an additional walk-in fee of $15. Please note that only cash, money orders, credit cards and hospital checks are accepted at the door. Personal checks are not accepted.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations received in writing or by phone up to 14 days prior to the seminar will receive a Full Refund. A 10% processing fee will be charged for refunds requested less than 14 days prior to the seminar. Cancellation fee will be waived for tuition transferred to another seminar or if applied to Self-Study products. In the rare event that MED-ED must cancel, MED-ED’s liability is limited to tuition.
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Contact Hours: 7.5
Topics Covered
*MSNCB® is a registered trademark of the Medical-Surgical Nursing certification Board, which neither sponsors nor endorses MED-ED.