Debra has promoted health and healing since 1977. She has worked up the healthcare chain, starting as a nursing assistant, then advancing to LPN in 1977 and ADN in 1983. She earned her MSN in nursing administration in 2012. Debra has worked in a variety of units and settings with a focus on emergency, trauma and cardiac nursing. She traveled as a nurse for 20 years, practicing where needed in a span of small community facilities and larger nursing units in metropolitan medical centers.
Debra has always felt a passion for quality and patient safety in healthcare. She officially began her professional quality career in 2007, earning a BS in psychology/criminal justice, patient safety executive fellowship and certification as a legal nurse consultant. She now works closely with legal teams, analyzing healthcare quality and patient safety issues. She earned her CPHQ in 2012 and continues to support healthcare quality and patient safety improvements. She has experience with root cause analysis and project management of process improvement initiatives, providing educational presentations in both academic and community settings.