Karen Marzlin, DNP, RN, CCNS, CCRN-CMC, CHFN
Karen practices as an acute care clinical nurse specialist managing hospitalized medical cardiology patients. With over 28 years of cardiovascular and critical care experience, both at the bedside and administratively, she brings a broad depth of knowledge to her practice. In addition to her hospital practice, Karen also manages patients with advanced heart failure in the heart failure clinic and is actively involved in systems and processes surrounding all aspects of heart failure care.
In addition to maintaining a part-time clinical practice, Karen is co-author of the book Cardiovascular Nursing Practice: A Comprehensive Resource Manual and Study Guide for Clinical Nurses, now in its second edition. She received her MSN as an acute care CNS and her DNP from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh. In 2014, Karen was named CNS of the Year by the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists. Karen speaks nationally on a wide variety of cardiovascular, critical care and leadership topics. Her presentations have been called energetic, engaging and empowering. Linking knowledge to practice to impact patient outcomes is the goal of all of her education programs.